Following the Silapathar incident where an unknown Bengali organisation ransacked the office of the All Assam Students' Union demanding Indian citizenship for Hindu Bengalis who came to Assam from Bangladesh after 1971,the civil administration of Bhergaon sub-division in Udalguri district has arranged peace meetings in all the important places of the sub-division yesterday on March 7.Peace meetings were arranged at the police stations of Kalaigaon,Tangla, Khoirabari,Paneri, Dimakuchi and Harisinga on the same day to create awareness among people so as to maintain peace and communal harmony in the district.The meetings were attended by various students organisations,political parties and leading citizens of respective localities apart from civil and police officials.
The 48th death anniversary of Bonkonwar Anandi Ram Das was celebrated at Tangla on August 4. On the occasion, two other great lyricist of Assam ie, Luit Konwar Rudra Barua and Geeti Kabi Parbati Prasad Barua were also remembered. The event was organized by Sanskritik Mahasabha, Assam Udalguri and Tangla units in association with Yuva Tirtha,Guwahati at Tangla Girls HS premises.The concluding session was held at 4 pm which was presided over by Dr.Hari Ram Das,president,Sanskritik Mahasabha,Assam Udalguri district committee. Gyanendra Kumar Chaliha, secretary of the district unit of the Mahasabha in his inaugural speech gace a brief account of the Mahasabha in Udalguri district.He...
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