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Tea garden labourers demands release of Interim wage relief

UDALGURI: The tea garden labourers of 24 tea gardens under the jurisdiction of Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha(ACMS),Mangaldai Branch staged two hours protest programme from 6 am to 8 am in front of their respective factories and Manager Bungalows on Friday.The tea estates which participated include Attarekhat,Dharamjuli,Swala,Borengajuli,Bhergaon,Krishna Susaibini,Ambica,Dimakuchi,Panery,Bamunjali,Orangajuli,Nonaipara,Bhutiachang,Hatigarh,Majuli,Ghagra,Khoirabari,Corammore,Chandana,Singrimari,Tangni." The Assam tea industry has agreed to pay interim relief of Rs. 30 to workers from March 1 2018 till the time the minimum wage issue is finalised which was decided during the minimum wages committee meeting .",said Rajya Sabha MP cum Secretary of Mangaldai ACMS Branch,Santiuse Kujur. The tea garden labourers taking part in the protest programmes has expressed strong resentment for the daily dillying tactics of the government in finalizing the minimum wages. Kujur has also asked the government to expedite the finalisation of minimum wages."We exhort the government for immediate release of arrear wages of the tea garden labourers from March to July 2018 the delay in which will draw the wrath of the workers", said President of ACMS Mangaldai Branch, Paban Nayak. The tea garden ACMS units also submitted memorandums to their respective garden managers demanding three charter demands which include Interim Relief of Rs.30 from August 1 next,release of arrear wages and increase in daily wages from Rs 137 to Rs 350.

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