Thirty two years have passed since the Assam Accord was signed to detect and deport the illegal migrants. But thr crucial phase of the historic pact remains unimplemented.
All Assam Student Union (AASU) activists across the held huge meetings on Monday demanding immediate measures to implement the accord in letter and spirit.
AASU leaders in Guwahati slammed the Centre alleging lack of good will to make Assam a Bangladeshi free state. They said they would have no option but to resume agitation. With 32 earthen lamps AASU observed the 32 years of the pact which remained unimplemented.
An AASU meeting in Namrup asked the centre and state to implement the historic Accord to safeguard the interest of the indigenous people.
Kalpadeep Mohan presided over the meeting attended by Kalpajit Gogoi, Manash jyoti Changmai . Thirty two notable persons from different fields Spiritual , Religious , Education , Media person , Literature , etc lit 32 earthen lamps.
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