Police administration have vowed for a strict operation against NLFB in Kokrajhar district as NIA has so far circulated most wanted and head count Rs. 10 lakh against the leader of NLFB M Batha.
The superintendent of police, Prateek Thube told that the police has started its search operation against the NLFB militant organization along the India-Bhutan border areas of Kokrajhar district.
According to police, they have been keeping a close watch on the NLFB leader, his members. They also told that NLFB militants are reportedly in deep jungle areas.
He said that police administration and security forces have been keeping closed watch on the NLFB cadres as they are reportedly taking deep jungle in the region.
Police administration have made area domination exercises that have been carried out by Kokrajhar police on the Indo-Bhutan border.
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