Security forces caught a hardcore NDFB-S militant during an operation in Kokrajhar on Friday. Identified as Gendra Basumatary alias Galore, he was apprehended from Bismuri Galabari area in Kokrajhar district in a joint operation by army and police. One 7.62 mm pistol and two live ammunition of 7.62 mm pistol were recovered from him.
Security forces from Assam Police and Army have claimed to capture two-over ground worker (OGW)/linkmen of Kamatapur Liberation Organisation(KLO) from Thuribari area in Kokrajhar district on Wednesday. Based on an information about over ground workers of KLO,a joint team of police and army launched an operation and abled to apprehend the workers/linkmen from Thuribari in Kokrajhar district.They were identified as Rahit Roy of Thuribari and Rupam Kumar Roy of Silipota.They were involved in extortion and collection of money,recruitment of new cadres in the outfit as well as providng information about movement of security forces to Dibakar Barman @ Anupal,who was recently...
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