Three orphaned Asiatic black bears cubs (Ursus thibetanus) were moved into the wild in Manas National Park on Thursday in Baksa district. The cubs were found alone in Mayanpara, Siyalmara and Kumarikhata villages in the fringes of the UNESCO World Heritage in December last year. With their mothers presumably killed, the cubs had been restrained and handed over to the Forest Department and IFAW-WTI for care and rehabilitation.
IFAW-WTI has rehabilitated 31 Asiatic black bear cubs in the northeast Indian states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh till date. The cubs were hand-reared, and following a gradual acclimatization process involving daily walks into the forest accompanied by IFAW-WTI animal keepers, released back into the wild. The cubs were monitored post-release for
a period of around six months with the help of radio-collars, said Greater Manas Conservation Project, WTI, Assam, in a press statement.
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