Science model exhibition at Tangla
An attractive science model exhibition has recently been arranged at Arunodoi Academy,Tangla on October 23, on the occasion of the school’s annual day celebration.Hoisting the school flag in the morning ,napoleon Daimari, principal of Arunodoi Academy thanked the guardians, teachers and students for the overall good performances in the field of science and technology and sports in recent times.He highlighted the actions taken for the all round development of the students of the school since its establishment in 2005.It needs mention that 10 years old Atlanta Das and Puja Rabha (both students of fifth standard) have been selected to represent Assam child scientists team to the 17th national children’s science congress/09 to be held in Ahmedabad from December 27 to December 31/09.Their project titled “ Aspects of Solar geyser in saving energy and nature” could impress the scientists at Sivsagar state NCSC recently. Kishore Deka,another student of the school showed his excellence in sports arena. He too had been selected to represent Assam state boys Tchouk Ball team in the National meet to be held in Mumbai this month.
An excellent science model exhibition was arranged in the school campus on the occasion. D.N.Hazarika,Circle Officer Harisinga Revenue Circle (Tangla) formally inaugurated the exhibition, where 47 spectacular science models were displayed by the students. A few models on Solar powered water heater,models showing global warming etc could draw appreciation from the people present. In his inaugural speech Hazarika said that Indian students had been brilliant since time immemorial. He stressed the need for taking right steps in bringing up the students. He advised the guardians not to pressurize the students but to allow them to choose their own career. Several dignitaries visited the science exhibition including District NCSC coordinator, Udalguri and president Kalaigaon Press Club etc.
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