Hojai: Around 37 members of Hojai Saloon and Parlour Association (HSPA) assembled, maintaining social distancing, at Bharat field at Central Assam's Hojai on Wednesday, in order to sought financial help from Government.
" Till date we have not received any sort of help, We need financial assistance from Government, our establishment are closed, since lockdown was imposed, to contain the spread of novel Coronavirus,
during these months we have not earned a single penny, however now government has allowed us to render door to door service but our barber community is in fear pschyosis of Covid 19, everyone of us are afraiding to go to client's house, as how we will know where is Corona, We cannot see this deadly disease.",Raj Kumar Thakur, President of HSPA told.
"We need urgent help, and if government wants us to give service at homes, we will need PPE kits, as our safety is important, unknowingly if we come in contact of any Corona patient then it will be a great risk to the society of Community transmission.", a Barber said.
"Till now, Our association has not given any memorandum to Deputy Commissioner in relation to our plight and request,within next two days we will handover the same.",Shyam Thakur, General Secretary told.
"Folding my hands, I request government to think about us, How will our family survive?",he asked.
There are total 112 saloon's in Hojai town. However some barber's are providing home service.
On the otherhand, People are facing problems in maintaining personnel hygiene, as Saloon's and Parlour are closed since two months.
"Saloon services are an essential part of our modern life.Since Countrywide lockdown their institutions are shut.Most of the barbers are poor so they are facing difficulties to run their family. So, either government should allow them to extend service with certain regulation and provide them with proper sanitization kit.Only then this stakeholder's will be able to overcome the ongoing difficulties.Only aiding them with essentials and others will not mitigate their problems.", told Dr. Pijush Nandi to this Correspondent.
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