Manipur state cabinet has approved Rs 10 crore for Manipur State Journalists Welfare Scheme. Chief Minister Nongthombam Biren Singh informed this during a function to distribute 35th Journalist’s Award of Kanagleipakki Meira daily.
Expressing concern over the state of Manipur journalism wherein low-paying scribes are struggling to compete, the Chief Minister said his government will introduce various schemes for them.
“Towards this end the state cabinet in its meeting yesterday approved fund amounting to Rs 10 crore for the Manipur State Journalists Scheme,” Biren Singh, who was the chief guest of the function, said.
Last month, state cabinet approved the introduction of the Manipur State Journalists Welfare Scheme. The main objective of this scheme is to provide one-time ex-gratia and relief to journalists and their family members.
The scheme is framed vis-s-vis the relevant schemes implemented in some states of the country and also in sync with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Local cable news channel ISTV reporter Ningthoukhongjam Sanajaoba Singh was conferred with the best Electronic Journalist Award during the function organised at the Konjeng Leikai community hall.
Several Manipur veteran journalists were also honoured on the occasion where IPR minister Thongam Biswajit Singh and PDS and consusmer affairs minister Karam Shyam Singh.
Chief Editor of Kangleipakki Meira, an evening vernacular newspaper, Wangkhemcha Samjao was the president of the event.
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