A cleanliness drive programme was held at the sub divisional office of Bhergaon in Udalguri district on Friday. Under SBM (G) the programme was organised by BTC EM for PHE Lmshraw Daimary.Nerson Boro the Dy speaker of BTC took part in the programme. Nerson Boro the Dy speaker of BTC a told the participants to maintain a clean and green environment which in turn distresses our mind. Premdhar Boro the District BPF president of Bhergaon, Juli Sarania president Bhergaon District women BPF and Ajoy Sing Gond the general secretary of Bhergaon Block BPF also participated in the progesterone.
UDALGURI: "We are now forced to feel that the very existence of indigenous population in India and particularly in Assam and other NE states is under severe threat from outsiders and illegal immigrants from the neighboring country." This was said by DR Nabla alias Ranjan Daimari, chairman of NDFB here at Udalguri town while addressing a congregation of indigenous people of Udalguri district on the occasion of Celebration of International Day of World's Indigenous Peoples on Thursday. The meeting to this effect was chaired by Dr. Prasenjit Daimari, principal of Tangla College and was addressed by Dr. Anjali Daimari, chairman of Boro Women's Justice Forum among many others. The...
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