Doom, a native variety of pig of Assam has been registered as a breed with accession number INDIA_PIG_0200_DOOM_09006 by the Breed Registration Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The Registration Certificate of the said breed of pig was presented to Dr. Galib Uz Zaman and Dr. SubimalLaskar Professors, Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati by Dr. Trilochan Mahapatro, Secretary, DARE and Director General, ICAR in a function held on August 23, 2016 at Krishi Bhawan , New Delhi.
Dr. Udoy Sankar Saikia, who is currently working as the Associate Director of Applied Population Studies Programme at Flinders University, South Australia has been recently selected for “Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching” for the year 2011. This award is highest award category in teaching in an Australian University and normally awarded to only one every year. Dr. Saikia has been awarded for his sustained commitment to effective and policy relevant teaching through constructivist curriculum design to foster independent learning and empower students to achieve their goals in life. Udoy Saikia’s achievement as a teacher in an overseas university is...
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