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Gorkhas of Assam extends support to Gorkhaland demand

Chief spokesperson of Gorkha Autonomous Council Demand Committee (GACDC) the political wing of All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU) in Assam Mr. Purna Chetri speaking as a Special Guest of Honour at the 194th Bhanu Jayanti and 1st Bi-nennial Conference of Bokajan Regional Committee of AAGSU at Talbalijan Birsa Munda Mini Stadium, Sariahajan (Bokajan) in Karbianglong extended full co-operation to the Gorkhaland statehood demand in West Bengal. He added that the culture, tradition and language of Gorkhas no where resemble the counterpart Bengalis so there is no means of staying within the same geographical entity. For the larger interest of Gorkhas the Govt. of West Bengal and Govt. of India should create Gorkhaland within the territory of West Bengal at the earliest possible without further involving in blood shedding politics. He informed the media and the general people that AAGSU and GACDC two apex bodies of Gorkhas of Assam in a resolution have supported the statehood demand of Gorkhaland. He even called upon the state government to fulfill its promise of providing Gorkha Development Council for the all-round development of Gorkhas of Assam. It needs to mention here that over the past few years after the silver jubilee of 1976 born All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU), the student body has been demanding Gorkha Autonomous Council (GAC) within the territory of Assam on satellite basis meanwhile the Chief Minister of Assam Tarun Gogoi declared January 21st in the open session of Assam Gorkha Sammelan at Digboi to provide Gorkha Development Council along with six other agitating communities.

Addressing as Chief Guest Dil Bahadur Limboo, President All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU) recalled the contributions of veteran Freedom fighter Babu Chabilal Upadhyay whose contribution went unrecorded in the History of Assam. He said that it was Chabilal Upadhyay under whose presidentship the then Assam Association was converted into now Assam Pradesh Congress Committee(APCC) whose product is our CM Tarun Gogoi. But then the ruling Congress has forgotten the contribution of this particular person who is equivalent to Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi. He lamented that the Govt. of Assam refused to even stand a bronze statue of the veteran leader at his birth place in Tezpur meanwhile airport, roads and several statues of his colleague Gopinath Bordoloi has been raised. It is a conspiracy hatched to uproot the identity of Gorkhas in Assam he added

He even reiterated that the Gorkhas of Assam have always been very loyal to their motherland so they even called Assamese as their mother tongue at the call Ambikagiri Rai Choudhury as there was threat from Bengali language to the existence of Assamese as official language. Socially, economically, politically, culturally and even historically the Gorkhas have contributed for the cause of Assam and at large India. On the august occasion of birth anniversary of a great poet he paid his heartfelt homage and called up[on youth to follow good ideologies of great personalities.

Earlier delivering his keynote address Harkha Bahadur Chetri, President, Gorkha Autonomous Council Demand Committee (GACDC) said that demand of Gorkha Autnomous Council is result of Government failure of resolving our other small demands to identify Gorkhas as 1st class citizen in Assam. He called upon the youth to prepare for democratic protest to achieve their identity of being the 1st class historically contributing Gorkha community in Assam. He said that Gorkhas of Assam are the siblings of those who became a part of sovereign India after the historic 1816 Sagooly treaty between East India Company and Nepal monarch where in a large part of then Nepal upto Goalpara of now Assam was inducted into India for administrative reforms. Technically to divide and rule and always question the citizenship the Gorkhas the Indo Nepal friendship Treaty was signed in 1950 by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru the 1st prime minister of independent India with then Nepal monarch. AAGSU had earlier demanded withdrawal of clauses vi and vii of Indo Nepal Friendship Treaty (1950) and issue passport visa system for reciprocal visit by the citizen of either countries so that genuine Indian Gorkhas citizenship is not questioned and smelt over frequent visit by the foreigners from the neighborhood. GACDC is commited to create Gorkha Autnomous Council to solve all problems and issues, he added. 28 members organization of Peoples Committee for Peace Initiative in Assam(PCPIA) have extrended moral and a few have given written assurance in support of Gorkha Autonomous Council.

The open session thronged by more than 5500 people was attended by Biren Singh Engti the only MP from the Autonous Hills District K/A and NC Hills, Mangal Singh Engti Chief Executive Member (CEM) Karbianglong Autonomous Council(KAAC) who answered the queries of student leaders , Pitambar Gurung President, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangha, Assam State Committee and several other dignitaries including representatives of students' union of all communities of Assam. All the leaders echoed in same voice and extended full support to creation of Gorkha Autonomous council in Assam.
Author info

Nanda Kirati Dewan's picture

Nanda Kumar Dewan is our Senior Journalist covering Community Development & International Relations. He is a Mass Communication & Journalism graduate from Sikkim Manipal University (SMU). He started his journalism career with UB Photos News agency in 2006 as News Photo Caption Editor and Photojournalist. He has been associated with Assam Times since it's inception and today is a part of our editorial team.


Neelam Thapa's picture

Gorkhaland is our BIRTH RIGHT. No one shold even dare to Deny.
abhishek bhattacharya's picture

Yes, it is true that our govt (central and state) both ignore our Gorkha brothers. I know there is lot of development is pending not only in Gorkhaland but also our NE state.. I request to all people of India and INDIAN GORKHA please come forward in support of Gorkhaland and development of Gorkhaland.
Ram Singh Chhetri's picture

Why Gorkha LAND? Can't we use a gorkhali suffix words like desh, bhumi or pradesh to the term Gorkha? We are not Nagas who do not have a Naga language or literature. The very word "land" used by the leaders suggest that the Gorkhas continue to be imitative of their erstwhile English Masters and not quite confident of their Indian identity.
kamal pradhan (gorkha social activist- delhi)'s picture

Excellent write up, truly a great writing experience from a Assamese gorkha. It had been long year since a writer from the ethnic Indian Nepali community from Assam has written such an article. I am from Assam too but people like us can only educate the masses about the contribution of a brave community being the guardians of India in the battle fields/killing fields. Gorkhaland is our birth right. no one can dare to take it away. I hope you will highlight the various activities relating to AAGSU.
YK Shrestha's picture

Excellent article. Long live Assam, Long Live Gorkhaland, Long Live India.
Nanda Kirati Dewan's picture

Kamal Pradhan thanks for your comment. The young brigade will definitely steal the showbiz of a democratic country. Not only AAGSU and Gorkha news I am with Aassm Times to report on Assam as it is to all our friends outside the state and abroad. Even NRIs should know about happenings in Assam and we at Assam Times is committed to report as it is. Reader can expect more news from me from diverse fields definitely also of Gorkha ethnicity. Brainstorming comment by R S Chetri. Your answer is as follows way back in 1907 during the British regime the move of Gorkhaland was made to profound make easier for the then administrators to understand. Later in late 40's Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League to continued with the same demand. This is how GORKHABHUMI could not happen and GORKHALAND survived. Lets see if d dream is realised our farsighted Gorkha leaders has to think over it. By now a lot of move has been made.
Sultana's picture

Undoubtly it is a constitutional right... They have always been deprived of their genuine needs and demands. Both the statehood and GAC should be created at the earliest. Monalisha Sultana Chaigoan's picture

Its great that you have shown the valour of Gorkhas and your writing skills is no less than any Indian counterpart journalist. I too have written article on Assam Times. Assam Times has in fact became a voice of Assamese Gorkhas which has in fact gained popularity within a short span of time. Hope you would join us in Delhi someday for highlighting the social Gorkhali activities . with lots of love and gratitude from Delhi Gorkhas.
balram uprety's picture

Gorkhaland will make all Indian Nepalis Indian citizens.It will give political legitimacy to all Nepalis living in India. It will give us the opportunity to call ourselves Indian and feel like one!!! IDENTITY..AND GORKHALAND ARE SYNONYMOUS!!!!!!!!
SKR Chamling (Ol'man Swaroop)'s picture

It is a real pleasure to read about my Assamese Gorkha brothers, sisters and children supporting Gorkhaland and hope that this support is equally reciprocated. Well done everyone, syabaash, keep up the fight and good work until Gorkha aims are achieved.
ADARSH SUBBA's picture

"I want my identity..." Every time I meet people they think I'm from Nepal...not an Indian... Why is this concept on their minds??? I think Geography n History should now be rewritten... Let's make Gorkhaland happen... Jai Gorkha..
Aditya's picture

Don't create more problems for North-East...
Correspondent's picture

Sorry Aditya...... u are still a kid in a democratic country. Lift ur level yaaar as a Try to become a Democratic Citizen of India
YK Shrestha's picture

@Aditya Come on Aditya, who says we are creating problems for North-East? We have been the most peace-loving people in the whole of North East. Although Gorkha soldiers are known for their bravery worldwide and known fighters, Gorkha civilians are the most docile and peace-loving people. Don't you agree with that? Have you heard of any Gorkha creating a problem in the whole of North East till date? Gorkhas have a great role in the development of North East. They were the ones who cleared the field and taught farming and also milching the cows. But, sadly we have been discriminated in Meghalaya, Manipur and Aruncahal Pradesh. It's only Assam (I'm proud of that), Mizoram and Nagaland which have started giving due reognition to us.
kamal pradhan's picture

dear aditya, we share a common mentality and race with Nagas, Assamese, Mizos as well as other people in north east. also contradicting you, gorkhali community is one of the ethnic communities of north east , its more so because of inclusion of Sikkim which is a north eastern state Theres a great bond between us. Don't ever try to break it and try to understand north east before commenting
Correspondent's picture

Aditya, I m the correspondent from Guwahati who traveled 300 kms to cover the program and report it to Assam Times. Could kindly justify your comment. I in particular would never mind to give a counter that is what all about the positive side of e-journalism. Kindly post ur comment... we are waiting. I hope u agree with Kamal and YK Shrestha. If not state ur point. Keep commenting and surfing Assam Times.
Aditya's picture

Dear Mr. Correspondent, is this the language one uses ...'yaar, lift your level' doing so, you show your level, if this is called level.... I think we can demand a Nagaland in Bihar, Nepal too...democracy you see....
kamal pradhan's picture

Dear Aditya, you need to lift your level if you cant do good for any community then you have no right to write negative comment. i think the correspondent is more precious for us than you at least he is doing something constructive by providing news of our community to the global Gorkhas.
Ritupallab Saikia's picture

Though I do not belong to Gorkha community but I do support their demand for the Gorkhaland. I think Darjeeling should be declared as Gorkhaland and it is to be included in North-east like Sikkim.
Hiten Hazarika's picture

Aditya, what do you mean by we can demand Nagaland in Bihar, Nepal too? Have you gone out of your mind brother? If you can not put forth logical arguments, then stop writing foolish things and yes as the correspondent rightly said, "lift your level" and talk SENSE and not nonsense. When everyone is expressing their views, you are there poking your nose and talking nonsense.
kamal pradhan's picture

Ritupurab and Hiten Hazarikar are right and their comments seems the reflection of Assamese intellectuality.
Neepok Sarmah's picture

I strongly support the demand for Gorkhaland. It is a legitimate demand.
Arnab Saikia's picture

The demand for Gorkhaland is genuine. I have studied in Kalimpong and know first hand that the people there do not have anything in common with the Bengalis.
Mridul Dutta's picture

It is high time that SRC is formed and all the legitimate demands be met. This dilly-dallying can not go on.
Correspondent's picture

Aditya you have been orthodox with your stand. If you really have any valid logical comment kindly post it. We welcome your valid views but please no propaganda. The brighter side of e-news is comment and response. Thanks to Hiten, Ritupallab, Neepak, Arnab and specially Kamal Pradhan and all who has witnessed war of words and exchanged comments. Thanking you all once again for finding time to surf this site. Keep surfing Assam Times. We at Assam Times welcome all our esteemed readers to post comment on all issues that he/she feels to.
dhan bahadur gurung's picture

First of all I would like to say that-- we are not NEPALIS, We are INDIAN 'GORKHALIS' & I strongly support for 'Gorkhaland'. We are not begging, we demand which we deserve. 'JOI AAI AKHOM' Dhan gurung (Gujarat)
AxomGorkha's picture

Gorkhaland is our birth right to give us a distinct Indian identity. We are often confused with Nepal's Nepalese. I remember during the agitation time every time I went to my hometown during winter holidays, the cops would ask us to get down and identify ourselves. I used to be surprised that essentially the agitation was against Bangladeshis, bu they never used to ask them to get down (so much for our Assam cops), because they knew it easy to fleece money from the Nepalese than the Bengalees. How sad!!
Pallavi Barua's picture

It is not sure whether the Central Government would approve the formation of "Gorkhaland". But, the Gorkha community should, at least, have an Autonomous District or Region for themselves in and around North Bengal, with Darjeeling as the capital.
YK Shrestha's picture

It seems the UPA govt. is thinking of creating 2nd SRC. Now, perhaps, this demand of Gorkhas would be fulfilled.
Neekita Dewan Limboo's picture

Undoubtly Pallavi Mam is a prolific writer but her stand in this connection I felt is not well researched. Gorkha Autonomous Council is demanded within Assam from where she also belongs and Gorkhaland as whole within the territory of India. 20 years back Darjeeling was declared as Gorkha Autonomous Council Hills District before i was born. I look forward Pallavi Mam to hight this issue.... Neekita Dewan Limbu Convenor, Gorkha Womens' Federation, Assam wing of AAGSU, Golaghat College Unit. H.S. 2nd Year D. R. College Golaghat
YK Shrestha's picture

Neekita, I think Pallavi Barua is talking about Gorkhaland issue in Darjeeling Hills. I think she was not commenting on the issue of Gorkha Autonomous Council in Assam. That's my view. I hope Pallavi writes back on this.
Pallavi Barua's picture

Gorkhas are not Indigenous to Assam. As such, it is absurd for their leaders to demand an autonomous council within the State of Assam. There is a large population of Gorkhas settled in several States of India other than their Native North Bengal area. But, will their leaders dare demand an autonomous council in Orissa, Bihar, Maharashtra,etc.....? This happens in Assam, only because both the Government and the Assamese people (both tribal and non-tribal) are extremely easy-going and lenient.... (As for my knowledge about the Gorkha autonomous council, I know well that it exists where it should be....thats what I tried to mention, but it might have been misunderstood by a section of seems my writing was not clear.....)
Neekita's picture

If we speak practically or mythologically Gorkhas are the aborigines who were residing in the bank of Brahmaputra and Barak so even they chant today in the mantras in various social and religious functions... 12 jila Assam ko sime bhumi hamro (12 districts of Assam and its boundry is ours) by even a drunkard priest who is called PHEDANGBA (one who donot at all know History or Geography neither he understands Democracy or Sovereignty even he doesn't know what indigenous means) in Limbu language a constituent tribe of Gorkha.
Sukanya Kalita's picture

Pallavi's is comment is absurd. History speaks volume about the indigenous Gorkhas in India who have shed their blood and sweat in nation building process. Govt. of India saluted its martyr Amar Sahid Durga Malla by erecting a 20 ft bronze statue in the Parliament premises.within the same Geographical entity why is Gorkhas not indigenous in Assam? Read the Sagooly treaty of 1816. Govt. of Assam have so far treated Gorkhas of Assam stepbrotherly that is how the demand for GAC within the mainframe of the constitution is demanded. Gorkha Autonomous Council is a status to Gorkhas and it should be created with full respect and the greater Assamese Society should also embrace it. Even all other communities can have a council why not the Gorkhas? i Hope Pallavi debates on it.....
Rasita Rai's picture

Pallavi Madam..I am a Pol Science student and would like to know the list of indigenous people of Assam. A Indegenious concerned Student
Dr Khagen's picture

It may take time but Gorkhaland will be declared as a Indian state.Its a long felt genuine demand.Each and every Nepali-speaking people is in favour of this demand. Good luck, Bimal Gurung and Roshan Giri, Go ahead.
kamal pradhan's picture

I think Pallavi does not know about the contribution of Gorkhas in the national development process and their important role in the socio economic structure of north-east. Its not in only her but many of the critics against the gorkha community have failed every time when the question of patriotism comes. Gorkhas as I think are also lenient and tolerant people, simple and humble like Assamese brothers. Intercaste marriages among the Gorkhas and Assamese are frequently seen. Whenever a Gorkh venture out of Assam he speaks about its natural beauty , its conscious people and its importance in the national level of which Gorkhas are proud of. Let us try to respect each other then only humanity and a sense of brotherhood exist would exist.
YK Shrestha's picture

Pallavi Barua either doesn't know history or just choses to be ignorant about it. If we strictly speak about indigenous people of Asom, then only Ahoms and to some extent Bodos would qualify. As rightly asked by some reader, can we have the list of indigenous people of Axom Pallavi? Gorkhas are extremely peace loving and lenient people just as the Asomiyas. Half of my relatives are Asomiyas and we have been here in Asom for centuries. People like Pallavi would only give rise to divisive forces.
Pallavi Barua's picture

Rasita, put your question to other states in India? Why is it that it only the Assamese who is asked this question? Search for a Tamil Gorkha, Bihari Gorkha, Bengali Gorkha etc. like the term 'Assamese' shall find the answer yourself. It is none of my responsibility to define Gorkhas.....or anyone....everyone knows themselves better. And, I don't have any intention of prolonging this conversation, particularly in this webpage.....
YK Shrestha's picture

Pallavi Barua's comment "Search for a Tamil Gorkha, Bihari Gorkha, Bengali Gorkha etc" is extremely in bad taste. What do you call the Assamese living in America? For Pallavi's info they call themselves Assamese Americans. We have Assamese Canadian Association, UK Assamese Association and there used to be even an All Nepal Assamese Association. This All Nepal Assamese Association is now defunct as due to the trouble in that country, not many Assamese are there now. Pallavi, are you surprised?? There's still a Naga Nepali Association in Kathmandu. For that very reason we call ourselves as Assamese Gorkhas, there are Himachali Gorkhas, there are Uttarakhand Gorkhas. The prefix is used to distinguish ourselves and also to identify ourselves with the place of our birth. Assamese Gorkhas are no less than Asomiyas. HP Gorkhas are no less than Himachalis. I hope that's clear for Pallavi Barua. If she finds it tough to put forth her views logically, then it is better for her to keep her trap SHUT. Bihar Armed Police is majorly formed of Gorkhas. Assam Rifles is majorly formed of gorkhas and their symbol is khukri. Pallavi, sorry,but you can't do away with history. There has been no need for Tamil Gorkha for the simple reason that they are in very insignificant numbers there and most of them are daily wage earning immigrants from Nepal. We have got nothing to do with Nepal.Pls understand that. I hope that's clear to Pallavi. Even in Bangalore city, there are more than 10,000 gorkhas as per the latest city census done by the govt in the month of April 2008. The superstar of Kannada film industry is a gorkha. You should give the credit to the gorkhas and appreciate the fact that they assimilate with the local culture and adapt to their ways. People start asserting themselves when they are in significant numbers.Look at Nepal today, the madhesis are ruling there. The world has to change, the thinking has to change so does Pallavi has to change.
Ratul Gogoi's picture

Stop this debate at once. Assam Times is not a mouthpiece of AAGSU. First try to associate yourselves with the greater Assamese community. By demanding a separate Gorkhaland within Assam you were trying to divide Assam more. And all you people participating in this debate, there are more serious problems in Assam rather than the demand of a Gorkhaland; so try to play your part in solution of those problems. The illegal Bangladeshi migrants have already strengthen their presence in many districts of Assam, so people think about that.
Ashish Gurung's picture

@Ratul Gogoi, you need to read the posts carefully before jumping the gun and comment. Who said that AAGSU is demanding Gorkhaland in Assam? Are they mad? AAGSU is supporting the demand of Gorkhaland in North Bengal. Period!! Who are you my dear sir asking us to stop this debate?? If you do not like, then do not poke your nose where you are not wanted. Whoever said Assam Times is a mouth piece of AAGSU?? You are assuming things. We are equally concerned about the Bangladeshi infiltration and it is time to stop them, but who is responsible for that?? To stop them, we should not employ them anywhere and they would stop coming to our land.But, in the name of Bangladeshis,our Gorkha ppl are harassed bu the cops, simply because our people are too docile and they dare not touch the bengalees/bangladeshis. Want any proof? Let me know!!
Arnab Saikia's picture

Ratul Gogoi by asking people to "stop this debate at once" is showing his dictatrial attitude. He would do well for himself reading the posts and enriching himself with few of the things which he would not have known. Grow up Ratul, you have hurt the Gorkhas and some of us who are half Gorkhas and married into Gorkha family.
Correspondent's picture

As per my limited knowledge Gorkhas never even tried to interfere in the socio political affairs but contributed wholesomely. Way back the BODOS demanded divide Assam 50-50, I opine it was the result of so called typical then Assamese administration and society at large. Assamese Gorkhas now are the constituent of greater Assamese society. Keep Surfing!!!!! Keep Commenting!!!!!
kamal pradhan's picture

Gorkhaland movement is for a separate identity for Darjeeling and within the constitution of India. Every Gorkha has the right to support it.
Anuj Thapa's picture

I am for Gorkhaland from the day this demand was raised. Though it caught a cold air for sometime but now we are back. I am working in Mumbai right now. There are somethings which I just wanted to communicate is that there are many non-gorkhas in India who support us. So, in the midst of all these conversations and confrontations don't hurt them because there might be 90% people who might be hurting us for god knows what reason but there is always these 10% people who knows whats right and whats wrong.
Raktim's picture

I doubt the existence of the 'Saikia', 'Hazarika', 'Kalita' in these posts as these titles might be taken up by some Gorkhas to camouflage their identity. For, no right-thinking person in Assam would go for Gorkha Autonomous Council in this already fragmented Assam. As for targeting Pallavi Barua, I would say that I met the charismatic writer once two years back, very resolved and calm. The likes of YK Shreshtha should not be allowed to continue in 'Assam Times' or else it will be more of 'Gorkha Times' soon. Already divisive ideas like their autonomous council in Assam are demanded and those who point out the truth are called 'divisive' by them.
k. pradhan's picture

Raktim, first of all nobody is targeting Pallavi Barua its only the constructive criticism which is seen . Y.k shrestha who have put forward some valid points and mere commenting would not turn Assam times into Gurkha times, for your kind information. Why would Gurkhas camouflage their identity? In fact most of them have written their surname. As for me y.k shrestha is equally important as i met him who is one of the prominent Assamese Gurkha in Delhi, a visionary and social in nature.
YK Shrestha's picture

I'm extremely surprised by the comments of Raktim. If he has doubts about the existence of "Saikia, "Hazarika" , "Kalita", then I'm sure he can get the mail ids of these gentlemen/women from Assam Times and write to them and wait for their response instead of doubting.For that matter, why doesn't Raktim write to Abhishek Bhattacharya, Sultana, Mridul Dutta,Neepok Sarmah and Dr.Khagen too? They also seem to be Assamese to me. Don't be doubting Thomas Mr. Raktim!! I'm from Assam and as I have written earlier, half of my family members are Assamese. No one is targeting Pallavi Barua here, we are just sharing our thoughts with each other. Just because Raktim knows Pallavi Barua, you need not jump in her defence. It's not you vs me. The narrow thinking of Raktim shows when he says that Assam Times is soon going to be Gorkha Times. Do you mean to say that the non-Assamese should not visit and write in Assam Times?? In that case, Assam Times should not publish anything relating to non-Assamese and also clearly mention that non-Assamese are not allowed to write here. We Gorkhas camouflage our appearance (not identity) during the wars only and we need not camouflage our identity to put forth our views. I appreciate the likes of "Saikia", "Hazarika", "Kalita" and other gentlemen/women who have risen above the parochial attitude shown by some of the people here. I hope the administrator of Assam Times would approve this writing of mine and publish it here.
Satyen's picture

It is not hard to open an account under any name and title and use for email. Tezpur was the bastion of the Bodo-Kacaharis and the Mishings. The British brought the Nepalis and Gorkhas they came to Assam in huge numbers and today the MP of Tezpur is Mani Kumar Subba, who is not even an Indian citizen. In Assam, only two writers have the guts to write the truth on the face----Pallavi Barua and Anjali Doimari. Their stands are very clear on the various issues disturbing Assam and the North-East. As such, many people are against the two ladies, especially male journalists and writers who fear that women might outsmart them in socio-political-economic analysis.


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Guwahati: The newly formed Digital Media Journalists Forum, Assam  held a general meeting at the Guwahati Press Club on Wednesday.  The meeting was chaired by the president of the Convening Committee of the Digital Media Journalists Forum and presently editor of The Cross Current, Bedbrata Bora. Advisor to the Forum and former residence editor at The Telegraph, Pranab Bora spoke about various legal problems faced by digital media journalists. In addition, senior journalists Amal Dutta and Bidhayak Das gave speeches on the importance and role of digital media in the present day. The meeting was attended by journalists from various digital media outlets from eight districts of...
Guwahati: In a major boost towards harnessing the export potential of naturally grown fresh pineapples in the North-Eastern (NE) states, APEDA today organised an in-store export promotion programme in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) to promote Assam’s pineapples, which is considered the sweetest in the world, among consumers for wider acceptance in countries. The ‘in-store promotion show’ of pineapples from Assam, which was organised in association with Dubai’s largest supermarket group Lulu Group, is part of APEDA’s strategy to promote locally produced agricultural products to the international markets. Speaking to The Echo of India, Sunita Rai, Asstt General Manager and Regional...
Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve recorded highest foot fall and revenue collection this season. Post-lockdown rush of both national and native tourists led to the highest annual visitors at the Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve, which helped the authorities collect record revenue of over Rs. 6 crores. Assam forest department on Wednesday in a statement said that Kaziranga reported footfall of 2.75 lakh tourists during 2021-22, against 1.88 lakh in 2017-18. Jatindra Sharma, director of Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve told Assam Times that altogether 2,75,835 tourists visited the UNESCO World Heritage Site Park between October 2021 and May 2022, setting an all-time...
Golaghat: Acclaimed Assamese movie 'Boomba Ride' that was screened in the Indian Panorama will be screened at Cannes Film Festival 'Olympia Screen' on 22nd May 2022. Producer of the movie Luit Kumar Barman informed this correspondent that an email yesterday evening from the Deputy Director and Directorate of the Indian Film Festival confirmed to Biswajit Bora, director of the movie   that the movie 'Boomba Ride' has been officially selected for screening at the Marchu Du Film and Cannes Film Festival. Producer and Director have expressed satisfaction over selection of their for an screening at Cannes. 'Boomba Ride’ is being  written, edited and directed in 2021 by...
Tamulpur (BTR), Assam: After several years of violence, Bodoland and the Bodo people have accepted the principle of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma  'Live and Let Live’ to establish peace and progress for prosperity, observed Ram Nath Kovind, President of India at the 61st annual conference of Bodo Sahitya Sabha, Gwnjwng Pathar, Kachubari, Tamulpur, BTR Assam today. President Kovind congratulated the citizens of Tamulpur 35th district of Assam and hoped that it will prosper with community participation in its building and transformation process. He praised Bodo Sahitya Sabha for inviting delegates from Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh connecting Bodo speakers of the world under its...
Tamulpur, BTR: President Ram Nath Kovind arrived in Guwahati this afternoon, was recieved by Governor of Assam Prof. Jagdish Mukhi and Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sharma at LGBI Airport. President Kovind will deliver the keynote address at the 61st annual conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha (BSS) as the Chief Guest of the Open Session in Tamulpur, western Assam, on Wednesday.  The three-day conference that began on Monday is expected to draw over 5000 delegates from all over the world. Delegates from all districts of Assam have reached conference venues to participate in various sessions. National and international delegates from NE states, Tripura, West Bengal, Bangladesh,...
Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi addressed a ‘Peace, Unity and Development Rally at Longrithep, Diphu in Karbi Anglong Autonomous Teritorial Council (KAATC) on Thursday. During the programme, he was also the foundation stone of various projects. The Prime Minister virtually laid the foundation stone for Veterinary College in Diphhu, Degree College in West Karbi Anglong district and Agricultural College in Kolonga, West Karbi Anglong. Prime Minister Modi was given a rousing welcome at the Community Reception Centre of the program by more than 20 communities residing in Karbinanglong from Tai, Assamese Gorkhas, Manipuri, Bengali, Tea Tribes other than Karbis and Dimasas. Prime...