A businessman was hospitalized after attacked with sharp weapon by miscreants at Champa bazaar area on Friday evening in Kokrajhar district. He was identified as Tamizaddin Anza ri (32) of Mozabari area. He was immediately rushed to Kokrajhar RNB civil hospital and stated to be critical. Details is awaited.
The All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) remembering the Bodoland separate statehood demand agitation, observed 29th Bodoland Movement Day on Wednesday at Borlaogaon in Chirang district. The observation was organized centrally by ABSU in association with Bijni anchalik committee ABSU where thousands of common public and students thronged. The students union started it's mass movement demanding separate Bodoland statehood on March 1987 under the bold leadership of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma, the then president of ABSU and since then the students union every year has been observing the day as Bodoland movement day to mark the day. An open session was organized on the day to...
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