A businessman was hospitalized after attacked with sharp weapon by miscreants at Champa bazaar area on Friday evening in Kokrajhar district. He was identified as Tamizaddin Anza ri (32) of Mozabari area. He was immediately rushed to Kokrajhar RNB civil hospital and stated to be critical. Details is awaited.
The All Bodo Students Union(ABSU) strongly protests with banner,placards and demanded early nab of involved culprits in protest against answer script of HSLC examination gutted fire in Jorhat on Friday. Hundreds of students union activists and common publics join hands and shouted sloagans in the sit-in demonstration today organised by Kokrajhar district unit of ABSU at Children Park near DC office in Kokrajhar,demanded justice and early nab of involved culprits,who are behind answer sheet gutted in fire incident. Swmdwn Brahma,Education Secretary of the Kokrajhar district unit of ABSU expressed union’s anger over answer sheet gutted in fire and termed that government as well SEBA...
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