A fake NDFB-S was arrested by public from Harigaon area under Salakati police outpost this evening in Kokrajhar. The arrested was identified as Gobindo Barman of Banderchara, was arrested red handed by common publics while coming to take demanded money on behalf of NDFB-S from a contractor of NTPC in Kokrajhar. Barman demanded 50,000 in the name NDFB-S where the contractor had also given away demanded money and he was red handed by publics, said a resident of Salakati. Later, arrested person wax handed over to police.
The owner and members of the Motor Vehicles in Kokrajhar has warned to take non-cooperation during ensuing Assam assembly election in protest against non-payment of 32 crores of hire charge bills and previous bills of vehicles, which are pending for a long time in the district. Hundreds of owner and members of the Motor Vehicles under the banner of Kokrajhar district Motor Vehicle Association Co-ordination Committee, staged a three-hours sit-in hunger strike beginning from 11 am to 2 pm at Children Park(near DC office) in Kokrajhar on Thursday demanded early payment of hire charge bills and previous election bills of vehicles.The association has been demanding release of 32...
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