India’s Lok Sabha polls in 2014, has brought a significant change in political scenario of the country after a decade’s rule of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government led by the century old Indian National Congress (INC). Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has come to power after ten years’ of struggle under the leadership of Narendra Modi, former chief minister of Gujarat. Although the BJP has got absolute majority in the polls, it has kept its flock together giving all the pre-poll alliance members their due share in the administration. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has assured the countrymen of fair deal in the interest of all sections of the society. His government is determined to avoid all discriminations prevailing in the country. He has decided to take all sections of the people together in order to make the country powerful.
Some vested interests influenced by the rivals, Congress Party, Samajwadi Party (SP), Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Janata Dal (United) are propagating against the BJP as a ‘communal’ party giving the instance of the communal violence which took place in Gujarat a decade back. Anti-BJP parties have ruled over the country and various states dividing the different communities on cast, creed and religion basis. The victory for the BJP is the result of conscious people of the country, who have realized the intentions of such vested interests.
A few critics of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, have raised voice that Modi would make the country a Hindu Nation. It may be due to their ignorance about the history of India or willful negligence about Hindustan, which persists through several centuries as a country abode of a number of communities, irrespective of their language, religion and traditions. It did not make any change even when the European rulers called the country as India. Did it make any difference when the country was partitioned as India and Pakistan in the year 1947?. Pakistan came into existence as an Islamic country, as its founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah demanded a land for Muslims. There are a number of Islamic countries in the world living under shadow of crime and violence. There is no peace at all. The whole world is divided between the rich and poor. Powerful nations play game of dividing small nations. The arms race is continue because of the illiteracy among the poor countries.
Goa’s Deputy Chief Minister, Francis D’Souza has rightly said recently that India is a Hindu Nation. All Indians are Hindu and they may be called as Christian Hindu, Muslim Hindu etc; belonging to any religion, caste or creed. He has further emphasized that India is and will always remain a Hindu Nation. Goa’s Chief Minister, Manohar Parikar has also confirmed that his deputy has admitted that he is a Christian Hindu. The disputes related to a Hindu nation are meaningless as all people living in India are Hindu despite their different languages, religions culture and traditions.
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