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August 2015

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Tribute to maestro Hazarika

8 Sep 2014 - 10:13am | AT News
The entire state observes the birth anniversary of Dr Bhupen Hazarika on Monday three years after the musical maestro passed away. The celebration began early in the morning with several...

Akhil Gogoi released on bail

8 Jul 2011 - 3:51am | editor
RTI activist Akhil Gogoi on Thursday a day after he was granted bail by the Gauhati High court. Gogoi left the GMCH premises where he was undergoing treatnent since he was remanded to judicial...

Call to mention the names of madrassas and mosqes involved in terrorist activities

22 Sep 2008 - 2:35pm | Dibya J Borthakur
A meeting held on September 14 at the Madani Hall under the aegis of Nagaon District of Jamiyat Ulema, presided over by Nurul Islam,urged the government to deport the foreingers who have sneaked into...

Assamese scribe extols Singapore’s great leap

25 Jan 2019 - 11:38pm | Nava Thakuria
“In a single generation, Singapore became a first world country. It is now one of the wealthiest nations in the world while maintaining social harmony and remaining free of corruption and crime,” so...