Friends of Assam and Seven Sisters (FASS International) distributed 20 Solar Reading Lamps free to 20 poor and meritorious students in Chaygoan, in Kamrup district. In a meeting organised for the occasion in Chaygaon by FASS International in collaboration with the Chaygaon Press Club , each of the twenty selected students was given a free Solar Reading Lamp along with a certificate from FASS International. Hitesh Kalita, General Secretary of FASS International from Washington DC, who attended the meeting, thanked the Chaygaon Press Club for arranging the meeting which was a great success, and explained the ongoing FASS program of free distribution of Solar Reading Lamps in the North East. The purpose of the program is to encourage the desrving students for studies as well as to bring an awareness of the problem of poor condition of rural electrification in the entire North East region. Hitesh Kalita also announced the award of two scholarships of Rs 5000 each to the two students securing highest marks from the Chaygaon center in the HSLC exam. Mukul Kalita, FASS member from Guwahati also attended the meeting.
The meeting was presided over by Sib Saran Kalita a senior journalist from Chaygaon. Rajani Kanta Goswami, a retired teacher and writer attended the meeting a Chief Guest. The meeting was well attended by the general public that included many parents and teachers and several dignitaries of the region such as distinguished teacher and short story writer, Jadav Ch Saloi, Gao Panchayat member, Nabanita Das, newly elected Jila Parishad Counciler, Pratap Kalit, and many others. All highly praised the effort by FASS International and promised to offer all the help in its future future endevours.
Following are the names of the twenty students:
1) Ms Puja Das, 9, champak ng hs
2) Mr Rupam Das 6 cn me
3) Mr. Tridip Jyoti Das 10 cnhs
4) Karishma Rabha 9 pan tan hs
5) Ms Nijara Rabha 10 pntn hs
6) Ms Madhabi Rabha 10 pntan hs
7) Ms Dibyajyoti Hujuri 7 cg mv
8) Mr Junaid Ahmed 7 cg mv
9) Mr Rahul Das 7 cg mv
10) Ms Sumi Das 7 cg mv
11) Mr Jyoti Prasad Das 7 cg higher secondary sc
12) Ms Pallabi Kalita, 8, cmpk ng me
13) Ms Purabi Das 8 cmpk me
14) Ms Reena Rabha 7 cmpk ng me
15) Mr Hirok Jyoti Choudhury ist yr cg college
16) Ms Pinku das 8 cg higher scd school
17) Mr Deep Kalita 10 cmpk ng high school
18) Mr Bimal Das 6 cg hss
19) Ms Krishna Das 10 cg hss
20) Ms Jesmin Begam 9 cg hss

It may be mentioned that FASS launched this project of free distribution of Solar Reading Lamps starting with Jorhat and Imphall in January 2013. The program is made possible through sponsorship of willing NRIs living across the globe. The 20 lamps in Chaygaon were sponsored by Rajib and Bandana Sharma of Georgie, USA.
In near future, FASS is planning for free distribution of Solar Raeding Lamps in the following places: Miao, Arunachal Pradesh; Biswanath Sarilai, Sonitpur; Agia, Goalpara; Odalguri, Sonitpur; Aizwal, Mizoram and other places. Willing NRIs are encouraged to contact us for sponsoring such free distribution of Solar Reading Lamps in their native villages or regions of their choice anywhere in the North East. We also encourage local NGOs for collaboration with FASS International to expand the ongoing project all over the North East.
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