The city police has picked up three youths from Guwahati on Sunday late night for their alleged involvement in the physical assault on an Adivashi girl protestor in Beltola on Saturday. Police say these three people has already confessed that they undressed the girl which was more shocking in the string of violence on Saturday.
Assam also observes Dewali, the festival of light across the state. Rows and rows of earthern lamps, sounds of fire crackers speak all what the celebration everywhere.Despite some restrictions to control pollution in the time of Diwali, people in the city are out to the streets to enjoy it with fire crackers. Several organizations are organizing some functions to celebrate the festival.People in the city of Guwahati are making long queue in the markets for Diwali shopping. Banana trees are also being sold like hot cakes from Thursday morning. But at a price that is much dearer for the common people. Assam Governor Lt general (Retd) Ajoy Kumar Singh and Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi greet the...
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