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Asom Sahitya Sabha felicitates octogenarians

On the occasion of Rangalee Bihu celebration in the state, Asom Sahitya Sabha felicitates a few distinguished octogenarians of the state,who had contributed in their respective fields of activities during past years.Darrang Zilla Sahitya Sabha too felicitates a few such distinguished people of Darrang and Udalguri district including-Pani Ram Das (noted freedom fighter and social worker); Lalit Chandra Nath Oja (Sangeet Natak Academy award winner);Prabhat Sarma Shastri (Sahitya Academy award winner); Purna Kanta Sarma (former principal DIET); Bharat Chandra Nath (educationist);Bhadreswar Nath (writter); Kiran Deka (president,Lekhika Samaroh,Darrang) etc.

A team of Sahitya Sabha officials,with Sailen Rajbongshi, Tarun Azad Deka, Sahiruddin Ahmed,Jadab Deka;Binoy Kumar Barua and Sat Ram Deka etc had met all the persons personally at their respective houses on April 15 and 16 2010 and felicitates them with a book and gamocha to their much delight. According to Tarun Azad Deka,it was very much essential for the society to remember such great heroes who had once contributed so much for the people of the society.People Darrang and Udalguri have appreciated the good move mooted out by Asom Sahitya Sabha.


axa's picture

Encouraging indeed.We the people of India have failed to remember the heroes of the past.Thanks to the organoiser for all the good works.Elderly people ,who had contributed a lot during their times must be honopured.


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