The planning commission has allocated Rs 7,645 cr for Assam for the current fiscal. The amount was fixed at a meeting between Chief minister Tarun Gogoi and plan panel deputy chairman Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia in New Delhi on Monday. Later talking to media, the chief minister thanked Dr Ahluwalia for the amount which is more than Rs 1000cr from the last year's figure.
Guwahati hosted the first ever International Tourism Mart of the North-East on Friday.The three-day event at the Sarusajai sports complex witnesses large number of nations and a matching assemblage of delegates showcasing the tourism products and their potentiality.The event brings together diverse stakeholders of the tourism industry including tour operators, travel writers, entrepreneurs, adventurers, filmmakers, hoteliers, etc., from different parts of the globe and their engagement with their counterparts in the North-East could open up new vistas in the region’s tourism sector. The overseas delegates are coming from the ASEAN countries besides Japan, Korea, Australia, France, Germany,...
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