Authorities on Thursday have issued a non bailable warrant against Gogoi. The action is coming up after the Dhemaji district administration lodged a complaint against him alleging his role in the recent incident in front of DC office premises. Scores were injured when police and CRPF jawans sprang upon a mammoth gathering but according to the FIR a section of the people led by Akhil Gogoi pelted stones at the security forces deployed there.
Sun TV Network Ltd has launched launched an FM Radio Station in Guwahati under the brand 'S FM' through its subsidiary South Asia FM Ltd.The FM station is starting its operations on Tuesday at 93.5 MHz frequency in the city which aims at catering to all audience.According to the country's second largest television network, it hold licences for 45 FM Radio Stations across the country. With the launch of this FM Station, the total operational FM Stations of Sun TV has reached 29.Notably, it has FM Stations at Chennai, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli, Visakhapatnam, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Indore, Vijayawada, Varanasi, Tiruchy, Rajahmundry, Kanpur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, Mangalore, Kannur,...
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