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Hem Chandra Baruah remembered

Hemchandra Baruah with a day long programme on his death anniversary on Tuesday.

The celebration started with the flag hoisting by the President of Hojai District Asom Sahitya Sabha Dr. Sardananda Dev Goswami followed by the floral tribute and lamp lighting infront of the portrait of  Hemchandra Baruah.

To mark the day an Art Competition and Quiz Competition were specially organised, where students from various school's took part.

An open meeting  was also organised Chaired by Dr. Sardananda Dev Goswami, President,Hojai District Asom Sahitya Sabha, Dr. Niridaa Mohan, ,Well Known Educationalist and Retired Lecturer  of Hojai College,Dr. Indrajeet Bezbaruah, Associate Professor,Lumding College  graced the occasion  as Chief Speaker, Dr. Guneshwar Saika, Vice president Hojai District Asom Sahitya Sabha  and all the Branch President of  Asom Sahitya Sabha in Hojai district.

The objective of the programme was briefly explained by  Anup Kumar Barthakur,  Secretary, Hojai District Asom Sahitya Sabha.

He said," 121 Years back Hemchandra Baruah  devoted his life for the betterment of Assamese language, and today we can feel the picture of this."

He asserted that Our objective is to make  aware the young generation of today about our history, heritage, Hemkosh.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Speaker Dr. Indrajeet Bezbaruah said," Hemchandra Baruah’s greatest work was the first Assamese-English Dictionary ‘Hemkosh’ which was published in 1900 after his death. This dictionary is not only a pride to Assamese people but also the base of Assamese language till date."

He also said but in today's time their is big danger for Assamese Language, as our children's are studying in English Medium schools and I can  say after  fifty years our language will Vanish, We need to upgrade our language, Our Vocabulary, as other languages are being upgraded  at a rapid speed.

He exhorted the denizens of Assam if you all really love Assam, kindly safeguard it's language and it's rich cultural tradition.

Author info

Nikhil Mundra's picture

Journalist Based in Hojai Town.

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