A class six student of Samanyay Jatiya Vidyalaya, Kashipara went missing while going for tuition at Kashipara in Kokrajhar district since Tuesday. The student was identified as Abdul Alamin Sheik, 11-years old, son of Jalil Sheik, village Bhotgaon Kutamari under Kokrajhar PS. Student went missing while coming on a tempo for tuition at Kashipara at around 11am and since then become trace less.An FIR was lodged with police. Searching is continue to find out missing child, told parent of the student.
The ongoing High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) final examinations in the state of Assam have been marred by a serious concern over the leakage of question papers. The All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) has expressed its strong resentment over the issue, especially in light of the English subject question paper that was leaked on March 6th.
In a press statement issued on Thursday, ABSU's Assistant General Secretary and Education Secretary, Dinesh Brahma and Swmaosar Basumatary, condemned the irresponsible and unfair conduct of those responsible for conducting the exams. They expressed their concern that the Mathematics subject question paper was widely circulated on social media just...
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