A class six student of Samanyay Jatiya Vidyalaya, Kashipara went missing while going for tuition at Kashipara in Kokrajhar district since Tuesday. The student was identified as Abdul Alamin Sheik, 11-years old, son of Jalil Sheik, village Bhotgaon Kutamari under Kokrajhar PS. Student went missing while coming on a tempo for tuition at Kashipara at around 11am and since then become trace less.An FIR was lodged with police. Searching is continue to find out missing child, told parent of the student.
The 61st annual conference of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha began in Gwjwn Fwthar, Kachubari of Tamulpur district on Monday with three-day colourful programmes scheduled. As part of the programme scheduled for the first day of the conference, chairman of the reception committee Dharna Narayan Das inaugurated late Ashina Basumatary's memorial main gate, Assam's BJP president Bhabesh Kalita inaugurated late Santiswar Brahma and late Sonraran Boro's memorial guest house and Legislative Assembly Speaker Katiram Boro inaugurated late Sunil Kumar Boro's memorial main pandal. Social activist Parul Bharali Boro inaugurated the late Halodhar Ujir and the late Maneswar Boro's memorial exhibition complex...
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