Senior BJP leader Rajen Gohain is likely to be inducted in the Union council of ministers slated to be reshuffled on Tuesday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is believed to have shortlisted the Nagaon MP out of a panel of 4 names from the state. “It is the Prime Minister’s prerogative and we don’t have any idea,” said a top BJP leader in Delhi. Assam BJP leaders are tightlipped on the development in Delhi saying that the suspense would be over by 11 in the morning on Tuesday. An Union minister from Assam was required after Sarbananda Sonowal put in his papers just after he took over as Assam Chief Minister.
In a bid to empower the youth against the perils of single-use plastics, the UNEP Tide Turners Plastic Challenge made significant strides in Assam. The WWF-India, alongside UNEP, orchestrated a pivotal Teachers’ Training Program on December 19th, 2023, at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School in Silpukhuri.
This initiative, a global endeavor ongoing since 2019, aims to cultivate leadership qualities among the youth to combat the menace of plastic pollution. WWF-India has taken the helm as the knowledge and implementing partner, customizing and executing the program's intricacies across the country.
The training session witnessed the active participation of teachers from 37...
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