Latumoni Saikia of Dergaon ME School won the first position in the Inamul Muzid Khan memorial State Lavel Essay Competition. Palavita Borah of Nath Gaon Jorhat and Sarat Chandra Sirig Phukon of Rupai Siding and Bharat Das of Borhollah, Jorhat are jointly declared as third prize winner. The competiton was organised by the Freelance Journalist Association Nazira.
On the occasion of the 68th Republic Day all citizens pf our country salute our National Flag and hoisted the Tricolour everywhere as a mark of Honour to it. But it is regret to say that due to the negligence of the teachers of the 310 No Molagaon government L.P. School of Nazira the Tricolour was lying down in the ground and latter Nazira administration recovered it with the police of Nazira police station.Investigation is going on in this regard but no case is registered for it in Nazira police station till today.
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