Count down starts for LS poll in Udalguri
Udalguri district administration has completed all the arrangements for the peaceful conduct of the LS poll in the district under 8 Mangaldai HPC on April 24.According to Sadhana Hojai, District Election Officer cum Deputy Commissioner, Udalguri,three LAC namely- 64 Paneri,69 Udalguri (ST) and 70 Mazbat are ready for poll. Polling stations have been arranged and security has been tightened up in the district. LAC wise numbers of voters are-1,21,577 (male-62,857 female- 58,720) in 64 Paneri; 1,25,545 (male-64,287 female-61,258) in 69 Udalguri (ST) and 1,20,724 (male-63,369 female-57,355) in 70 Mazbat LAC.There are 3 zones (23 sectors) in 64 Paneri LAC; 2 zones (23 sectors) in 69 Udalguri LAC and 3 zones (24 sectors) in 70 Mazbat LAC as stated by District Election Officer Udalguri.
Though major part of 64 Kalaigaon LAC falls in Udalguri district but Election Commision has authorised District Election Officer,Darrang to conduct LS polls in Kalaigaon LAC. There are 1,44,365 (male-74,655 female-69,710) voters in this LAC. The LAC has been divided into 6 zones (23 sectors) with total 168 numbers of polling booths. In view of the ensuing LS poll, Udalguri district administration has declared the period from 5 pm of 22 April to 5 pm of 24 April as Dry Day in the district. Sale and possesion of any kind of liqures has been prohibited. By another order Sadhana Hojai,Deputy Commissioner,Udalguri has imposed Section 144 in the district and banned pillion riding till election is over.
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