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Jenny Thingshung

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Stop! say no to ragging

12 Mar 2009 - 9:59pm | Monjib Mochahari
He would have saved many lives. He would certainly have given smiles to the sufferings. But it’s very unfortunate, on Sunday evening; Amann Kuchroo, 19 a first year medical students in Dr....

Flood of worries refuse to recede

27 Jun 2012 - 1:14am | editor
The overall flood situation turned grim on Tuesday with the water levels of the Brahmaputra and its tributaries rising further. The toll in this flood wave alone has gone up to 10. Incessant rains...

Historical drama Bagh Hazarika staged at Nazira

14 Feb 2012 - 6:08pm | Anup Arandhara
Ramdhenu Drama Troup of Hahsora staged the historical drama, “Bagh Hazarika” at Nazira Natya Mandir on February 11. The drama which is written by Jitu Jyoti Gayan, a young dramatist...

Rising beat Jaiklong at Kagrabari

16 Oct 2015 - 7:57pm | Hantigiri Narzary
Rising SC from Tinali beat Jaiklong SC from Banargaon 4-2 in the Tikendra Brahma and Aolang Brahma memorial football trophy being played in Friday’s match at Kagrabari ground in Kokrajhar.For Rising...