15 Mar 2017 - 1:51am | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
The indefinite hunger strike of ABSU and it's movement group NDFB-P and PJACBM decided to call off the hunger strike by tomorrow early morning following government has given an assurance for holding...
14 Sep 2015 - 2:27pm | Chow Bilaseng Namchoom
Scientist, State Forest Research Institute (SFRI) and Nodal Officer, Arunachal Pradesh Bamboo Resources & Development Agency, Department of Environment & Forest, Rab Kara Taj, has been...
28 Feb 2019 - 6:57pm | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
An awareness campaign was organized at Modati playground, Kazigaon, Kokrajhar on Thursday on superstition in the society. The progarmme was organised by Kokrajhar police under project...
9 Aug 2016 - 9:35pm | Shajid Khan
The All Adivasi Students’ Association of Assam (AASAA), the influential Adivasi student body of the State, staged a sit in demonstration and protest rally in Jantar Mantar of New Delhi on Tuesday.The...