A college girl in Ujanbazar area in Guwahati committed suicide sending shockwaves in the city. Identified as Navanita Chakarbartty, the girl who hailed from Nalbari hanged herself inside her room at a girls hostel. She had a brilliant academic career who was doing medical coaching course.
Majuli: In the wake of a devastating storm that wreaked havoc on 20th April, 2023 in Majuli island of Assam, North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS), a local humanitarian organisation has sprung into action, initiating a humanitarian relief and rehabilitation programme to assist the affected communities in their time of need.
The massive storm, which struck the island with unrelenting force, caused widespread destruction to homes, infrastructure and livelihoods, leaving hundreds of families grappling with the aftermath of the disaster. With access to basic necessities and essential services severely compromised, the affected communities faced numerous challenges on the path...
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