A college girl in Ujanbazar area in Guwahati committed suicide sending shockwaves in the city. Identified as Navanita Chakarbartty, the girl who hailed from Nalbari hanged herself inside her room at a girls hostel. She had a brilliant academic career who was doing medical coaching course.
Guwahati, 23 September 2023: Assam Don Bosco University celebrated its 12th Convocation on Saturday, 23rd September, 2023, at Tapesia Campus Sonapur, Guwahati. The esteemed gathering included the Hon’ble Governor of Assam, Shri Gulab Chand Kataria, who graced the occasion as the university's visitor, along with Vice Chancellor Fr. (Dr) Jose Palley, Pro Vice Chancellor Fr. Joseph Nellnatt, Directors of Schools, Heads of Departments, faculty members, students, and dignitaries from across the country.
Addressing the graduating students, Shri Gulab Chand Kataria encouraged them to contribute meaningfully to society, emphasizing the importance of innovation and dedication in shaping a better...
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