A college girl in Ujanbazar area in Guwahati committed suicide sending shockwaves in the city. Identified as Navanita Chakarbartty, the girl who hailed from Nalbari hanged herself inside her room at a girls hostel. She had a brilliant academic career who was doing medical coaching course.
In a bid to empower the youth against the perils of single-use plastics, the UNEP Tide Turners Plastic Challenge made significant strides in Assam. The WWF-India, alongside UNEP, orchestrated a pivotal Teachers’ Training Program on December 19th, 2023, at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School in Silpukhuri.
This initiative, a global endeavor ongoing since 2019, aims to cultivate leadership qualities among the youth to combat the menace of plastic pollution. WWF-India has taken the helm as the knowledge and implementing partner, customizing and executing the program's intricacies across the country.
The training session witnessed the active participation of teachers from 37...
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