In a well planned joint operation by the 1 Assam Rifles and Arunachal Pradesh Police one NSCN (K) cadre was arrested from Khonsa town, the district headquarters of Tirap district on Monday while two other persons including a lady was arrested from two separate locations in Khonsa town itself on the same day on charges of drug peddling. On Monday at around 11 am on received of an input from sources regarding presence of NSCN (K) cadre in Khonsa Town for extortion of money from businessmen, a joint operation of 1 Assam Rifles, Khonsa lead by Major D.Kakoti, Adjutant, one J.C.O and 25 other rank from Battalion Head Quarters, Khonsa and Police party lead by Sub Inspector Thomas Pertin, Officer-in-charge of Khonsa police station and 04 Constable from Khonsa P.S. conducted specific intelligence based operation.
The suspected individual was apprehended from Longding road tri-junction in Khonsa Market. On spot interrogation the individual identified himself as Naga Army No. 17800 Self Styled Pvt. Pangto Atoa of NSCN (K), S/o Sri Makriat Atoa of village New Kothin, PO/PS-Khonsa Dist. Tirap (AP) who claimed that he was involved in Inter Factional Clash (IFC) at Chasa on 8th January 2012 and I.F.C at Borduria on 7th March 2012. One Micromax Mobile phone and Rs. 300/- recovered from his possession and a case had been registered at Khonsa P.S. vide KSA/P.S. case NO. 45/2013 U/S 384 IPC. On the other hand, based upon description provided by sources one individual matching the description of the suspected carde was searched by the same security forces team on the same day.
Upon search 125 gram of opium was recovered from the individual name Sri Panlong Khangham of Niausa village, Longding District (AP) and on spot interrogation, the individual said he had purchased the opium from a woman in Bank Colony on the same day. Immediately, search party accompanied by lady constable went to Bank Colony and raided the house and recovered 500 gram of opium from a woman named Smti Chumyang Ransong, W/o Sri Kena Ransong of village Lazu, PO/PS-Lazu, Dist. Tirap (AP) and recovered 500(Five hundred) gram of opium which was seized and the seize opium all total valued worth Rs. 29,500/-. The arrested woman revealed that she use to buy the opium from Myanmarese people who use to visit Khonsa via Lazu for selling of opium in Tirap distt. Khonsa. On received of above complaint a case vide KSA/PS/case No. 46/2013 U/S 17 of NDPS Act has been registered and both accused has been arrested. The seized articles have been sending to Forensic Science Laboratory, Guwahati for examination by experts.
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