Sibasagar police has arrested four individual for alleged links with ULFA. Among them three individuals are from Sibasagar and one from Moran. The individuals have been arrested for assisting in collection and supplying huge amount of money to ULFA. The arrested individuals have been identified as Mr Pradeep from Nivedon Stores, Mr Radheshyam from Apsara Store and another all hailing from Sibasagar and Mr Bikash Agarwal from Moran. Ironically while on the one hand ULFA is threatening North Indians to leave Assam at the same time we find them also assisting the ULFA.
The crucial BSF-BDR meeting begins in New elhi on Tuesday to discuss a number of problems confrnting India and its neighbouring Bangladesh. According to information, infiltration from across the Indao-Bangla boder and also the hardships in the fencing of the border are set to be firgured in the meeting. Also in the line up are smuggling of cattle, fake currency notes, weapons and narcotics. BSF Director General A K Mitra will represent India while BDR chief Major General Shakil Ahmed is represent Bangladesh.Notably, the construction of boundary pillars along the Indo-Bangla border has been mired in controversy for the last several years. The 4,097 kilometres long Indo-Bangla border passes...
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