Search operation is on to find out the B Tech student of IIT-Guwahati who has been missing since Saturday. Final year student Ajay Kumar Yadav, who hails from Jaipur in Rajasthan, was last seen by his classmates on Friday. The student used to stay in IIT-Guwahati hostel. Classmates and teachers tried to call him on his mobile but found it switched off. IIT-G authorities have filed a missing person complaint in this regard at the Amingaon police station.
Dibrugarh, Assam: In response to the devastating impacts of river erosion at Mohanaghat, Dibrugarh, the North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS) has launched a comprehensive humanitarian assistance programme. The initiative aims to provide life-saving support to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities affected by this catastrophic event.
NEADS is taking proactive steps to address the urgent needs of those displaced by the river erosion, ensuring that aid is specifically tailored to meet the unique requirements of different genders within the affected populations. The interventions are multi-layered, encompassing critical areas such as Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (...
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