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Sit-in- Demonstration demanding release of Mohet Hojai

Demanding immediate release of Sri Mohet Hojai, former Chief Executive Member, Dima Hasao Autonomous Council, members of NGOs, Gaon Buras and Mouzaders of Dima Hasao staged Sit-in- Demonstration in front of the Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) at Maibang today (Monday).

They were demanding the release of their leader Mohet Hojai as they consider the government was doing injustice to him. They have none to listen their grievances in absence of Sri Hojai, they urged the government to release their leader Hojai immediately other wise they would be compelled to continue their agitation for the release of Mohet Hojai. They also demanded the withdrawal of NIA cases against Sri Hojai.

Later they submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister of Assam through the Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) at Maibang Sri M. Nath.

The memorandum stated that Sri Mohet Hojai Ex. Chief Executive Member (CEM) of North, Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC) was elected twice as Member of Autonomous Council (MAC) from 11- Kalachand Autonomous Council constituency in -1996 and 2007 respectively. During his tenure as Executive Member and Chief Executive Member of North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC), he had done commendable job for the welfare of the people of Dima Hasao district. But, after his arrest, they were facing untold difficulties and development works have come to a grinding halt because of the long detention of our elected representative Mr. Mohet Hojai since 04-06-2009 under the NIA Case No.01/09 and NIA Case No.02/09.

Further, They beg to state that in view of the process of peace talks with Dima Halam Daogah (Joel)/DHD(J), the State government of Assam as well as government of India including investigation agency did not oppose the bail petitioners of Mr. Joel Gorlosa, Chairman, DHD (J) and Mr. Niranjan Hojai C-in-C DHD (J) as a result of which they were granted .bail by the Gauhati High Court for a period of 4 (four) months on 12th August 2011 against the NIA Case No.01/09 and NIA case No.02/09. But, it is regret to mention here that Mr. Mohet Hojai, Ex. CEM, NCHAC and other persons who have been made out accused against the same case of NIA case No. 01/09 and No.02/09 were still languishing in the jail since 04-06-09 and Mr. Mohet Hojai, infact, without facing any heinous charge in connection with the humanity but unfortunately, he has not been allowed to avail the relief on bail which amount to violation of Article -21 of the Constitution of India.

Therefore, they beg to request your honour to consider as a special case to allow Mr. Mohet Hojai Ex. CEM, NCHAC to go on bail by taking necessary steps not to oppose the bail petition as has been done in case of DHD (J) leaders so as to secure the equality of status and opportunity as provided under Article - 14 of the constitution of India.

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