The corruption of two officers of Barpeta district and Xatra judicial office came to light. According to reports, Ganapati Talukdar, Chirastadar, Barpeta District and Xatra Judicial office and his assistant Sukur Ali called the chowkidar Jitu Sarma to open the office on January 31 at 9.30 which was a holiday (Me-dam-Me-Phi). Later on both opened took the documents of seven files of motor accident case (MAC case no 286/07, 53/08, 734/08, 356/08, 432/07, 298/08, 618/08) related to a accident case. Surprisingly, on that very day both of them had taken these documents to the residenceof then District and Xatra judge D. K. Dev Roy and had taken signature in some of the important papers. On...
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