The delay in the construction of two bridges at Raha under four-lane express highway project remains a cause for serious concern. The construction of the bridges is, being done by Madhucon, moving at a snail’s pace, putting a large number of vehicle users to hardship. A major part of the highway is also kept blocked with gravel, sand,chips and soil resulting in fatal accidents becoming commonplace on the stretch and traffic snarls becoming routine. Over a dozen two-wheeler riders and pedestrians have been killed in accidents on the badly-maintained roads and bridges on the stretch during the past one year.
With the construction of one bridge across river Kolong, the water has overcome its pollution–related problems posing a grave environmental and health hazard not only to the people by the river side who usually depend on this river but also a serious threat to the acquatic animals. The water is polluting fast because of continued flow of effluents from the machines installed by the river side for the construction work. The people of the area have demanded the state and the central governments and the concering company engaged in the construction work to speed up the work at their earliest.
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