Assam on Thursday paid its last respect to the body of six brave hearts two days after they lost their lives at the hands of Naxals in Chhattisgarh. Led by Assam director general of police Shankar Baruah, top ranked police and civil officials gathered at the Lok Priya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Borjhar and paid their last respect to the bodies after these were flown to the home state.
Assam governor JB Patnaik said that the state has made notable progress in the restoration of peace in the state.
Opening the budget session of the Assam Assembly on Thursday morning Patnaik said that peace talks are in progress between ULFA and government. he said that more and more insurgent groups were coming forward to join the national main stream.
As Patnaik was delivering his address, opposition members raised voice of protest alleging government’s failure on all front. Amid din, the governor concluded his speech.
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