As the Lok Sabha election draw near, various parties have intensified their campaign by holding meetings in every nook and corner of the prestigious Nagaon constituency. The AGP-BJP alliance candidate Rajen Gohain and Congress candidate Anil Raja have been spending sleepless night to make themselves ready for this big poll fight. On the other hand, the Assam United Democratic Front (AUDF) candidate Sirajuddin Ajmal, brother of AUDF chief Badruddin Ajmal , is also getting ready for this big fight for the Nagaon Lok Sabha seat into his credit.
On the eve of this big political fight ,it is seen that Congresss candidate Anil Raja , who is contesting for the first time in Nagaon Lok Sabha seat will have to face a tough challenge in front of AGP-BJP alliance candidate Rajen Gohain and AUDF candidate Sirajuddin Ajmal respectively. If the present trend continues till the poll day, then it is sure that the Congress is all set to face a stiff triangular contest here.
Though the Congress party has claimed that AUDF is not a factor in ensuing poll in Nagaon district, yet among 9 Legislative Assembly Constituencies under Nagaon parliamentary seat - Raha, Jamunamukh, Hojai are under AUDF MLA’s. In the last Assembly election, AUDF got a total of 2,21,887 votes on those three Assembly segments.
On the other hand, AUDF has expressed high hopes about the prospects of its candidate. The party has made an alliance with CPI in Morigaon Assembly constituency and increasing grounds even in some new places of Morigaon and Nagaon districts. It is worth mentioning that during the visit in some places of Nagaon and Morigaon districts , this correspondent observed that minority voters in those places are all after the AUDF .
Again, Rajen Gohain, though this time has lost popularity to some extent among the voters here, yet his position is stable to a state. In 2004 Parliamentary poll, the AGP and BJP got a total of 4,46,977 votes, 57 percent of total polling in Nagaon constituency.
Despite of the various methods applied by the several political party leaders and their cadres to motivate the voters, the general electorates are seen indifferent. It is yet uncertain who smiles at last in Nagaon, but the political thinkers are of the view that there is every possibility of a three cornered fight in the prestigious Nagaon Lok Sabha seat.
As soon as the results of HSLC exam 2009, reached the Christjyoti School ground , there was joy everywhere as Priyanuj Bhuyan of this prestigious school came top in the list. The same picture was experienced at Raha Higher Secondary School as Rishav Hajarika of this Assamese medium higher secondary school came up with 19 position in the list.
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