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No halt in rhino poaching

Poaching refuses die down in the flooded Kaziranga National Park where 3 rhinos were killed for horns during the last 24 hours. That too in the presence of forest minister Pramila Rani Brahma, who arrived in the national park on Wednesday afternoon.

Poachers have killed a full grown rhino on Thursday wee hours when a huge portion of the world heritage site is still reeling under flood.
The incident took place in the Bagori range where the forest guards spotted the carcass in the morning. Poachers were believed to have taken away the horn.
The incident took place a day after poachers killed a full grown female rhino along with her calf on Wednesday.
A section of the KNP officials has tried to blame it all on the flood. But the missing horn has proved, beyond doubt, that it was case of rhino poaching.


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