A fake NDFB-S was arrested by public from Harigaon area under Salakati police outpost this evening in Kokrajhar. The arrested was identified as Gobindo Barman of Banderchara, was arrested red handed by common publics while coming to take demanded money on behalf of NDFB-S from a contractor of NTPC in Kokrajhar. Barman demanded 50,000 in the name NDFB-S where the contractor had also given away demanded money and he was red handed by publics, said a resident of Salakati. Later, arrested person wax handed over to police.
The NDFB(P) extended deep sorrow and shocked over the untimely and sudden dead of former Lok Sabha Speaker and Tura MP Purno Agitok Sangma on Friday in his New Delhi residence following caridiac arrest. R Daokha, Assistant Secretary for Publicity of the NDFB(P) said that Sangma’s death was lost for the country,who had been contributed tremndous towards Indian politics.He has condoled and expressed deepest sorrow over his dead and prayed for his eternal peace in heaven. Daokha also strongly condemned the HSLC answer sheet gutted in fire in Jorhat district and termed the incident as unfortunate for the citizens of Assam.He has demanded the involved with incident should be booked as soon as...
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