Security forces caught a hardcore NDFB-S militant during an operation in Kokrajhar on Friday. Identified as Gendra Basumatary alias Galore, he was apprehended from Bismuri Galabari area in Kokrajhar district in a joint operation by army and police. One 7.62 mm pistol and two live ammunition of 7.62 mm pistol were recovered from him.
Witch-hunting again repeat among society. An elderly woman was killed on suspect of witch-craft at Borlaogoan Dahlapara village under Bijni PS in Chirang district late last night. According to source,unidentified miscreants killed the woman with sharp weapons late last night on suspect of witch-craft,who was living lonely at her home,though her three sons engaged in Bangalore and three daughters already married. She was identified as Owaisi Daimary, 65-years-old. Hardly decade ago, another Bergaon Mushahary was killed at the same village by miscreants on suspect of witch-hunting. A police team from Bijni and Borobazar rushed the spot to take stock of the incident. The Bijini...
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