Four poachers have been arrested during a stepped up anti poaching operation launched by police, CRPF and forest officials, four poachers have been arrested from a hotel in Diphu on Wednesday. In yet another case, two more poachers by the Jakhalabandha police from Samaguri area in Nagaon district. According to information, four poachers have been arrested from the Hillview Hotel in Diphu during a joint operation launched by Karbi Anglong police, fiores department officials assisted by the CRPF jawans. According to information, seven people were finalizing a poaching plan at a hotel room while the operation led by Karbi Anglong Superintendent of police N N Goswami caught them red handed. But three people of the group managed to escape. These poachers have been identified as Gham Gham Chuwang from Diphu, Gaup Paike from Dimapur with Safikul Ali and Nurul Islam from Samaguri
Dozens of people sustained injury when a passenger train jumped off the tracks in Jagiroad on Wednesday. The incident took place in the wee hours when ten coaches of the Dimapur-Kamakhya passenger train toppled from the rails leaving 50 injured. Of them, ten passengers have been critically wounded who are battling for life at GMCH. Details awaited.
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