Today is 27 January- the International Holocaust Memorial Day. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 60/7 of the 42nd plenary meeting held on 1st November 2005 designates 27 January as an annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. It also reaffirms that the Holocaust, which resulted in murder of the one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities, will forever be a warning to all people of the dangers of hatred, bigotry, racism, and prejudice. And as a result, the Holocaust and United Nations Outreach Programme was established in 2005 with a simple and stark aim to mobilize civil society for Holocaust remembrance and education in order to help to prevent future acts of genocide.
Now, the question is on today’s importance on Holocaust Memorial Day- is it important for today’s world? Then the straightforward reply is ‘Yes’. The Holocaust is not only a symbol for representing the genocide of Jewish people took place in the Second World War but also a reflection of the dark side of human mind and behaviour from the human history. We can see the intolerance in the name of religion, race, etc. in today’s world and as such the Holocaust Remembrance takes a major role for educating the human mind to stop any further genocide. Today’s world needs maximum happiness, peace of mind and love. But we can see the growing intolerance and hatred amongst the people in different parts of the globe. The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme states that the disturbing spread of neo-Nazism and other extremist groups and growing climate of intolerance and antisemitism makes the work of the Programme particularly urgent in current time.
In present time various allegations are coming from different platforms on the issue of distorting the narratives of history by some intolerant group. And if it happens in near future a threat may arise for another Holocaust. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in its recent publication on “Recognizing and Countering Holocaust Distortion” states that Holocaust distortion is a critical threat to Holocaust memory and fostering a world without genocide.
Hatred is such a disease of human mind which can destroy the entire humanity. This hatred may transform into extreme intolerance resulting into genocide. Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Laws are not enough to combat such genocide. As a civilized human society, it is everyone’s duty to educate and nurture the human mind to overcome the hatred and intolerance. Holocaust Memorial Day remind us about those past destructions of humanity and warn us to be careful to protect the humanity.
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Day 2 Practice:
Hello Divine beings. Hope all of you are well. Stay at home and Save Lives. Remember 'ISOLATION is Medicine' now. I hope those who started doing practice of chanting 'AUM' they are gradually able to transform this self quarantine to graceful spiritual retreat.
Well, as I said we will discuss our per day practice in my earlier write up so here this is Day 2 practice. Which you will add to your earlier one.
Thanks to all those well-wishers and practitioners who gave replies on practicing 'AUM' meditation. From your feed back I feel chanting 'AUM' is enough to boost up our spiritual, mental immunity which will be reflected in development of our physical...
Hello Divine Beings, Namaskar. Here, in this emergency I am going to share with you something spiritual. In this period entire humanity is passing through a difficult situation and in this moment self-quarantine is the major and primary step to help own self and help entire humanity.
Well, as it is a sudden threat, so it is usual to be worried and panic to some extent. But we should not forget that we human beings many a time faced many challenges like this, and we successfully overcome those situations. Here, in India also National Lock Down was declared by the Union Government for 21 days from 25.03.2020 to 15.04.2020 for safety and security of the people. It is the...
Every death takes a new life..
You can see as a death..
I can see as a life..
Your victory is your failure..
I find thy celebration of life…
But that life is your death…
He wrote the destruction of your life…
But your life starts with your death…
I witnessing life and not your death or life…
What is yogic relaxation? This question used to come in our mind often. Everyone wants to be relaxed. But, How? Yoga tells about various process of relaxations practised by different schools of relaxation. Here, I am not going to explain about various process or techniques of yogic relaxation. But, going to explain the inner meaning of term "relaxation" in yoga. I have seen many confusion regarding the term "relaxation" by many people. The process and techniques of yogic relaxations may be many more but the inner meaning of "relaxation" is one and same.
The term "relaxation" in English is the equivalent term of Sanskrit term "Sithalikaran". The basic meaning of this term "relaxation" is...
When Government of India is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, I am experiencing a different thrill to express myself as proud descendant of this great country called Bharat. For last seven years I have been occupied with a subject apart from my profession. This subject is though not new for me but it becomes gradually new for me in everyday affairs. Subject is "Yoga" which gradually becomes "Yoga Darshana". Actually, today I am not going to narrate my story. But, here it's about Bapu, the Father of Nation and his great life on experiencing Non-Violance. Today, as a student of Yoga Darshana when I look back to the life of Gandhi I find Maharshi Patanjali's first...
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