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Paragmoni Aditya

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ACHR team to visit conflict ridden areas of Mizoram

30 Nov 2009 - 2:27am | editor
The Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) has decided to send a fact finding team to the communal valance affected areas of Mizoram and also meet all sections of people including those involved in...

Dissidence rattles ruling Congress

8 Mar 2013 - 12:28pm | AT News
A resurfacing dissidence seems to have put Congress in a fix. Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi is flying to New Delhi to apprise the party high command of the entire situation on Friday amid speculation of...

Waterlogging revisits Guwahati

22 Jun 2014 - 8:46am | AT News
Normal life in many parts of Guwahati has come to a grinding halt following massive water logging from Saturday night after heavy downpour lashed the city for several hours. Parts of the busy RG...

Population estimation of eastern swamp deer carried out at Kaziranga Nation Park

8 Dec 2007 - 1:47pm | editor
A population estimation of the eastern swamp deer was carried out at Kaziranga National Park on December 6. A total of 681 swamp deers were counted, out of that 189 are male, 382 female and 107...