A college girl in Ujanbazar area in Guwahati committed suicide sending shockwaves in the city. Identified as Navanita Chakarbartty, the girl who hailed from Nalbari hanged herself inside her room at a girls hostel. She had a brilliant academic career who was doing medical coaching course.
Guwahati: The Assam Don Bosco University buzzed with creativity and entrepreneurial spirit over the past two days as the Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship (IDE) Bootcamp for Student Innovators and Teachers concluded.
The event, held on April 9th and 10th, welcomed participants with an opening address by Pushpanjalee Konwar. Chief Guest Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das of IIT Guwahati ignited the minds of the young innovators with a talk on agricultural design and fostering innovative ideas.
Mayur Madhukar Borkar then outlined the purpose of the bootcamp and its potential to equip participants with valuable skills. Dr. R. Sujatha kicked off the interactive sessions, dividing...
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