Sibasagar police has arrested four individual for alleged links with ULFA. Among them three individuals are from Sibasagar and one from Moran. The individuals have been arrested for assisting in collection and supplying huge amount of money to ULFA. The arrested individuals have been identified as Mr Pradeep from Nivedon Stores, Mr Radheshyam from Apsara Store and another all hailing from Sibasagar and Mr Bikash Agarwal from Moran. Ironically while on the one hand ULFA is threatening North Indians to leave Assam at the same time we find them also assisting the ULFA.
Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has written to his counterparts in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharasthra to ensure safety of the Assamese people living in these states. According to information, Gogoi has received assurance that the people from the states would be provided adequate security in the time of ethnic clash in BTAD areas and Dhubri. Gogoi has given instruction to the district authorities to maintain calm even as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and the Union Home Minister Sushil Shinde have given separate assurances that security will be provided to affected people.
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