Search operation is on to find out the B Tech student of IIT-Guwahati who has been missing since Saturday. Final year student Ajay Kumar Yadav, who hails from Jaipur in Rajasthan, was last seen by his classmates on Friday. The student used to stay in IIT-Guwahati hostel. Classmates and teachers tried to call him on his mobile but found it switched off. IIT-G authorities have filed a missing person complaint in this regard at the Amingaon police station.
The voting under by-polls in six assembly constituencies of Assam and Meghalaya, conducted to fill up the vacant seats (as the respective legislators had shifted their focus to the national politics after winning the recently conducted Lok Sabha polls), ended largely peacefully on Wednesday evening with a satisfactory over 70% voters’ turn out. The fate of all candidates is stored in the electronic voting machines, which will be opened on 23 November next. Along with these seats, by-polls for over 40 assembly constituencies (along with two Lok Sabha seats) in other parts of India are on the card along with the State assembly elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand before the counting day...
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